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1980 Dahlia Street
Denver, CO 80220

Healthcare Committee

Request for program planning
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The countdown continues to the deadline for submitting Program Planning Surveys to LWVUS. March 10 is just around the corner.

Check out the FAQs on the proposed concurrence by the LWVVT on Privatization and submit your support sentences on the Survey form.

THEN let the LWV VT know you are in favor of adding this item to the agenda at the Convention. Let's see all the local leagues in CO be listed on the roll of those moving us forward on this issue.

And, I hope to see LWVCO's name added too.

Linda S. Mahan

LWV Larimer County, CO


I am behind this position 100%! I will bring it to our State Board and also to my local league.

I am thinking this would be a good topic for a Healthcare Task Force meeting, so am wondering if you know of anyone who could present via zoom? Do you have a contact in VT I could reach out to?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Will pass this info on to our local league board - thanks!

With apologies for the incorrect link in the above post. The concurrence webpage is still under construction....

This link:

has the LWVVT position in the first "ask" and the second "ask" includes the directions for completing the Program Planning Survey.

Attached is the letter from the President of LWVVT encouraging members to recommend consideration of the agenda item.


Linda S. Mahan

LWV Larimer County, CO

As Leagues undertake Program Planning in 2024, and submit the LWVUS Survey, there is an important request from the national League network of the Healthcare Reform Interest Group.

Please consider adding a note in support of the LWV VT's position on privatization. This would be considered at the Convention for adoption by concurrence and would update the LWVUS position on privatization to include healthcare.

The increasing privatization of hospitals, doctors practices, hospices, clinics and importantly Medicare (as Medicare Advantage) is a trend that moves us further from our League position of affordable, quality health care for all. Currently the League has no position support to speak out against the fast moving train.

In the coming months watch for announcements of webinars by the LWVVT to explain their study and new position.

Please find the background materials here:


The website contains LWV VT Position on Privatization, "Vermont one-pager" (from VT Pres, Sue Racanelli), and "League Instructions for supporting VT Update in Program Planning."

#3 in this list is the one with the EXACT WORDING in the box (94 words) to be included in your local League's Program Planning Survey in one of the two spaces for "other topics you want LWVUS to add" to the agenda for Convention (and the "program" for the next two years).

It also includes directions for you to send confirmation that your local or state League supports having DISCUSSION OF THE POSITION on the AGENDA. A response is appreciated so the promoters can keep track of who has submitted the request on their Survey. Remember: your League is not being asked to support adopting the concurrence--only that you request it be discussed at the Convention.

Thank you!

Linda S. Mahan

LWV Larimer County, CO

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