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Denver, CO 80220

Healthcare Committee

Rural Hospitals Under Fire - Webinar March 13 6 PM...
Linda Mahan

Dear Health Care Colleagues,

I know many in our state are being affected by the closing, or diminishing services, or lack of access/insurance coverage at rural hospitals.

Here is a webinar discussion for you!

National Single Payer

Linda Mahan

LWV Larimer County, CO

Rural Hospitals Under Fire:

National Single Payer and Global Budgets Can Save Them

Join National Single Payer Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 5 pm PT/8 pm ET as we welcome two guest speakers: Journalist Maureen Tkacik and Health Justice Monitor Editor Jim Kahn who will present Rural Hospitals Under Fire: How National Single Payer and Global Budgets Can Save Them. REGISTER HERE

What would rural hospitals look like if we had a system that expressly prohibited private ownership of health care?

Maureen Tkacik is a Senior Fellow at the American Economic Liberties Project, investigations editor at the American Prospect, and a journalist who has written extensively on corporate greed for The American Prospect, The Wall Street Journal, Time, and the New Republic. James Kahn is professor in the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies and the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco. Corporate greed is a driver of most rural hospital closures, with corporate crime representing a healthy minority of those cases. Learn how global budgeting is a reform model that could “achieve universal coverage at an affordable cost and facilitate more equitable funding of hospital infrastructure.”


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