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Will the Denver League Continue?

Frank Bennett | Published on 4/6/2023

Will the Denver League Continue?

I have served on the Board of the Denver League for the past year after about 10 years of involvement with the Colorado League, mostly with with Legislative Action Committee.  In addition to being on the Board, I have served on the Nominating Committee, which I am currently chairing.

A number of years ago, the Denver League found that the search for a President was becoming impossible.  The Board and the members at Annual Meeting chose a different governing structure with three Directors leading different aspects of the League - Organization, Program, and Communications.  This past year, the person who had agreed to be the Director of Organization had to move out of state because of her husband's health and the remaining directors took on those additional responsibilities.

From my involvement with the Nominating Committee, it has become clear that a small group of people have been providing the leadership of the League for some time.  It is also becoming clear that they are getting worn out and are looking to step down.  Without other people stepping up, the leadership will either resign or exhaust themselves and be unable to continue.

At the Annual Meeting in May, we will need to elect the following positions:

Director of Organization
Co-Director of Program
Co-Director of Communication
Voter Service Co-Chairs (2)
Membership Chair
Development Chair

I have no doubt that there are people in the Denver League who could fill these positions capably even if they need some time to learn the details of the job they fill.  Please contact me if you are interested or want more information.

Frank Bennett