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US Food Waste Toolkit and Guide

Mary O'KIcki, LWV Climate INterest Group | Published on 4/6/2023


Please take a moment and check out theFood Waste Toolkitthat was put together by the LWV Climate Interest Group, Food, Soil and Agriculture Team. Kudos to the team and especially Carol Parker, our team's food waste leader. Three very important points to keep in mind:
  • More than 25% of the materials sent to landfills in the US is food waste where it decays and releases methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas.
  • More than 30% of the food produced in the US is lost or wasted.
  • Because waste is managed at the community level, local Leagues can have a big impact on reducing food waste and therefore methane emissions as well alleviating food insecurity.


Please contact me for additional information or with any questions or concerns.

Mary O'Kicki
LWV Climate Interest GroupFood, Soil and Agriculture Team Leader