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A Lively In-Person Annual Meeting

Pearlanne Zelarney | Published on 8/17/2023
We had good food because of Marge Fisch, good conversation because of League members, and finally a good end to the League year at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 13.

Our speaker, Alison George, Housing Director for Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) , spoke to us about how they create housing opportunities for Coloradans who face the greatest challenges to accessing affordable, safe and secure homes. You can view her slides here.

AnnualMeeting_MargeFischDuring the business meeting:
  • Bobbie Heisterkamp presented the 2022-2023 budget
  • The slate of board members was presented and accepted 
  • A favorite part of the meeting, as always, was the awards given to our members. See the following article that describes the six award recipients.
  • Sue Stark spoke about the state of the League and members had the opportunity to express their concerns and questions during Directions to the Board.


We also said a fond farewell to Marge Fisch as she leaves for her new home in the Pacific Northwest.