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LWVCO Religious Freedom Study Group Presentation & Consensus Discussion
McCollum Room (Montview Blvd Presbyterian Church) and Zoom
1980 Dahlia Street
Denver, CO 80220
Event Contact(s)
Susan Stark
LWVD Program Briefing
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
About this event
Jeff Oster has been leading the LWVCO Religious Freedom Study Group and will be hosting in-person presentations statewide. These sessions will provide historical context on the First Amendment, explore challenges like religious nationalism, discuss tax-funded support of private and religious schools, mandated Bible study in schools, and other current ideas that are being put forth that challenge the separation of church and state. The presentation will foster discussion and clarity on these critical issues in anticipation of a consensus vote on a proposed statewide League Position.
This meeting may be for League members only because the Study Group will be recommending that LWVCO adopt a position supporting the First Amendment within which our rights related to freedom of religion are stated. Denver League of Women Voters will be asked to come to consensus regarding the proposed position by March 1, 2025. You will be hearing more about this study in future Voter issues and Updates. For now, please hold this date in your calendars.